
History of the Neapolitan Mastiff Breed

The Neapolitan mastiff has been recognized as a breed in the modern world only since 1949. However through bas reliefs,

paintings and statues dating from 3000 years before Christ, we can trace his roots to the giant war dogs of Egypt, Persia,

Mesopotamia, and Asia. Even as historical a figure as Alexander the Great (356-323 B.C.) was instrumental in creating the

Neapolitan Mastiff. Alexander is known to have crossed the giant Macedonian and Epirian war dogs with the short-haired

"Indian" dogs to create the Molossus. The Molossus was a dog characterized by having a wide, short muzzle and a heavy dewlap

and was used to fight tigers, lions, elephants, and men in battle. This animal is easily recognized as the great forefather

of the Neapolitan Mastiff





When the Romans conquered Greece, they adopted the Molossus dogs and also used them in battle, in the hunt, and in the

arena. The Roman invasion of England gave them access to the even larger giant Mastiff dogs there which the Romans crossed

with their own now formidable war beasts. The several different breeds that are descended from these dogs have many traits

in common: they are large powerful animals, are devoted to their masters, and are superior defenders of person and property.




Over the centuries, breeders of the mastino in the Neapolitan area of southern Italy, focused on breeding guards for the

homes and estate. They created a breed which retained the giant size, heavy, loose skin and dewlap. This was an animal which

was a stay-at-home type, and was good with the family but was bred to detect unwanted intruders and to deter them from the

property under their care. Indeed, many say that the Neapolitan Mastiff's serious looks alone are enough to deter any


幾個世紀過去了,在意大利南部, 為了護衛家庭財產,而進行的紐波利頓犬的繁殖工作一直在進行著。他們保留了紐波利頓犬巨大體形的特



After the second World War, several Italians began to organize and promote the breed. The first exhibition was held in Naples

in 1946, with six Neapolitan Mastiff being presented. The standard was first codified in 1948 by Dr. Piero Scanziani and the

breed was recognized by the FCI (Federation Cynologique Internationale) in 1949. The standard was rewritten again for

greater precision in 1971.


的品種標準由Piero Scanziani博士於1948年制訂。同年成立了
FIC(Federation Cynologique Internationale不好意思,不知道怎麼翻譯這個組織的名稱)。這一標準於1971年被從新改寫。

By the early 1970's the breed had representatives in most other European countries and had acquired significant footholds in

Germany and the USA, where a few fanciers became fascinated by the art of breeding this uniquely looking and moving dog.
And we say art because the breeding of the Neapolitan Mastiff is truly an art. To quote Giusseppe Alessandra, president of

the A.T.I.M.A.N.A., (the International Association of the Neapolitan Mastiff), "there are three important and equal aspects

to the Neapolitan Mastiff: its type, its size, and its soundness

引用A.T.I.M.A.N.A., (紐波利頓國際聯合會)主席Giusseppe Alessandra先生的一句話來說
「三個重要的特徵決定紐波利頓 獨有的樣子,血型,尺寸和沉穩的性格。

The Mastino's type, its unique appearance, was created in the Neapolitan countryside by years of inbreeding. As a result, the

traits that make the Neo an unusual dog: its wrinkles, dewlap, loose skin, enormous bone, and distinct lumbering gait, are

created by an accumulation of recessive genes. To breed a sound dog with these attributes is truly an art...and a challenge.


In those countries where the Neapolitan Mastiff has achieved a steady population, the breeders have tended to focus on that

aspect of the breed which adheres to cultural ideals. For instance, in Italy, the focus is on type over size and soundness.

In Germany, the focus tends to be on size first, then type then soundness. In the United States, the focus has been on

soundness, then size, then type. Only in the last five years have US breeders regularly been able to produce formidable dogs

of the splendid type that amazes and awes true Neapolitan Mastiff fans world-wide.





As proof of this we offer two examples. The A.T.I.M.A.N.A. hosts a prestigious annual show attended by hundreds of

Neapolitans from all of Europe. In 1994, for the first time an American-bred Neapolitan Mastiff competed. Ironstone Islero

II, owned by Mr. Harry Booker, and bred by Dr. Sherilyn Allen, took third place. It was a victory for the Americans in a

traditionally Italian-dominated event, and a significant victory for this dog as he was adversely affected by the long flight

over. The judge commented that he would have picked the dog to win had he (the dog) been feeling better.
As a second example, in the Summer of 1995, Dr. Theo Kjelstrom, an AKC judge who has studied the Neapolitan Mastiff both here

and abroad judged a Neapolitan Mastiff specialty in Illinois. His comments after the show were "These dogs are on par with

the best dog's I've seen while judging in Europe, excellent bone and type. Furthermore they have the advantage of being quite



都是歐洲佔據著主要地位。但是1994年的比賽中,來自美國的Ironstone Islero II犬場的一隻紐波利頓取得了冠軍。他的主人是Harry Booker

先生,同樣來自美國的Sherilyn Allen博士,他的狗取得了第三名的成績。這一次比賽結果徹底結束了意大利人一統行業內霸主的地位。開創了

第二事例:1995年夏天,AKC著名的裁判Theo Kjelstrom博士開始專心研究於紐波利頓犬的評選工作中,他走訪了很多美國和意大利以及其他一



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